1. What services does Infrasonic Wave Lab provide?

At Infrasonic Wave Lab, we’re here to help you with all your audiovisual needs. Whether it’s mastering, mixing, podcast mixing, sound design, music production, photography, video recording, video editing or music licensing, we’ve got the expertise and services to assist artists and brands. Because we work together with fantastic graphic design artists we can also support you with graphic design for print or digital media, logo design, poster design, corporate visual identity, artworks, websites and landing pages (CMS based).

2. In which languages can we communicate for consultation and project management?

We prefer to communicate in English or Dutch (Nederlands) depending on your preference and comfort level. Our team is multilingual and ready to answer your questions and discuss your project needs in the language that is most suitable for you.

3. What benefits can businesses gain from high-quality social media content created by Infrasonic Wave Lab?

Our professional photography and video recording service helps businesses capture high-quality footage for music videos, podcasts, interviews, gigs, and more, leading to increased views, engagement, and conversions on social media platforms.

4. How does Infrasonic Wave Lab ensure that each project’s creative vision is accurately represented in the final product?

We take the time to understand our clients’ creative vision and work closely with them to create personalized and customized photography or videography projects that effectively tell their unique story and resonate with their audience.

5. How does Infrasonic Wave Lab stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies in audio and visual production?

We continuously research and invest in the latest trends and technologies in audio and visual production, allowing us to offer innovative and cutting-edge solutions to our clients. Join us at Superbooth, Berlin this year.

6. What steps does Infrasonic Wave Lab take to ensure the highest quality standards in its audio and visual productions?

We adhere to strict quality control measures throughout the production process, from recording and editing to mastering and final delivery, to ensure that our clients receive the highest quality results.

7. Can Infrasonic Wave Lab provide references or examples of past projects it has worked on?

Yes, we can provide references or examples of past projects upon request, allowing potential clients to see the quality and variety of work we have produced. Scroll down on every service page to see previous clients or finished projects.

8. How does Infrasonic Wave Lab approach collaboration with clients on creative projects?

We believe in open communication and collaboration with our clients, involving them in every step of the process to ensure that their vision is accurately captured and brought to life in the final product.

9. Does Infrasonic Wave Lab offer consultation services to help clients determine their audio and visual needs?

Yes, we offer consultation services to help clients identify their audio and visual needs, define their goals, and develop a tailored strategy to achieve their objectives effectively. Feel free to reach out to us for consultations, whether you prefer meeting in person or via Teams or Zoom, as meeting face-to-face allows us to better understand and address your specific needs.

10. How can potential clients get in touch with Infrasonic Wave Lab to discuss their projects or inquire about services?

Potential clients can contact us through our website, email or social media channels to discuss their projects, request quotes, or inquire about our services, and we will be happy to assist them promptly. You can create a custom order and upload necessary files along with your questions and requests.

11. When will Infrasonic Wave Lab’s online music licensing platform be available?

Our easy-to-use online licensing platform is set to launch in Fall 2024, providing creators with quick and efficient access to a wide variety of carefully curated music tracks.

12. Infrasonic Wave Lab office address:

Dhr. Jef Dauw, Paviljoenweg 41, 2910 Essen, België.

13. Infrasonic Wave Lab VAT / BTW identification number:

BTW BE 1006.928.591



1. What is mastering?

Mastering is the final step in the audio production process, aimed at transforming raw mixes into professional-sounding tracks that translate well across various playback systems. Whether your music is intended for radio, clubs, home stereo systems or online streaming platforms, mastering ensures that it sounds its best in any context.

2. Why is mastering important?

The difference between a mastered and unmastered track can be significant, even if it’s not always immediately noticeable. In today’s music production landscape, where many recordings are made in acoustically imperfect environments, professional mastering becomes essential. It provides the last opportunity to accurately assess a recording and address any potential issues, ensuring that your music reaches its full sonic potential.

3. How does mastering improve the quality of my music?

Mastering involves a combination of technical processes such as equalization, compression, and limiting, as well as subjective adjustments to enhance clarity, balance, and overall sound quality. By optimizing levels, correcting any sonic imbalances, and ensuring consistency across tracks, mastering elevates your music to a professional standard.

4. What can I expect from the mastering process?

During mastering, your tracks will be carefully analyzed and processed by experienced audio engineers using specialized equipment and software. The goal is to enhance the overall sonic characteristics of your music while preserving its original artistic intent. You can expect improvements in clarity, depth, and overall cohesion, resulting in tracks that sound polished and cohesive.

5. How do I know if my music needs mastering?

If you’re unsure whether your music requires mastering, consider factors such as the intended distribution channels, the quality of your mixes, and your overall artistic goals. Even if your mixes sound good on your studio monitors, mastering ensures that they translate well across different playback systems and environments, maximizing their impact and appeal.

6. How long does the mastering process typically take?

The duration of the mastering process can vary depending on factors such as the complexity of your project, the number of tracks, and the studio’s workload. Typically, mastering a single track may take anywhere from a day to a day or three, while larger projects may require additional time. It’s advisable to discuss turnaround times in advance to ensure timely delivery of your mastered tracks.


1. What is the purpose of preparing a track for mastering?

Preparing your track for mastering ensures that it reaches its full sonic potential and translates well across various playback systems. It involves optimizing the mix, ensuring proper file format, and addressing any potential issues that could affect the final master.

2. How should I prepare my mix for mastering if I’ve used plug-ins on the master output during mixing?

If you’ve used plug-ins on the master output during mixing, it’s best to export two versions for mastering: one version with plug-ins enabled and another with all plug-ins turned off. This provides flexibility and allows mastering engineers to choose the best version for processing.

3. What is clipping, and why should it be avoided?

Clipping refers to distortion that occurs when the audio signal exceeds the maximum level that a system can handle. Digital clipping, in particular, should be avoided as it can cause serious problems and degrade sound quality. It’s essential to ensure that your mix maintains adequate headroom to prevent clipping.

4. How much headroom should I leave in my mix?

Maintaining sufficient headroom is crucial to prevent clipping and ensure optimal sound quality. Aim to keep the highest peak of your mix between -12 and -3 dBFS (Decibels relative to Full Scale) to allow for dynamic range and avoid distortion.

5. What are some tips for improving the quality of my mix before mastering?

Check for phase and polarity issues, particularly with recorded sounds, and address any problems to ensure a cohesive sound. Pay attention to sub frequencies and eliminate unnecessary low-end content to improve clarity and prevent muddiness. Additionally, manage noise by gating or muting inactive channels and ensure vocal levels are consistent and well-balanced.

6. What file format and specifications should I use when exporting my mix for mastering?

Export your mix in WAV or AIFF format with a bit depth of 24 bits and a sample rate of 44.1 kHz or higher. Avoid normalizing, noise shaping, or dithering during export, as these processes can affect the final master and will be handled during the mastering process.

7. How should I evaluate my master after it’s been completed?

Listen to your master in various environments and playback systems to ensure it sounds good across different listening conditions. Use the same volume level you typically use for listening to music to accurately assess the quality and make any necessary adjustments.



1. What is mixing?

Mixing is the process of combining multiple audio tracks into a cohesive and balanced stereo or multichannel output. It involves adjusting levels, panning, equalization, dynamics processing, and effects to create a polished and cohesive sound.

2. Why is mixing important?

Mixing plays a crucial role in shaping the overall sound and feel of a recording. It allows for creative expression, enhances clarity and definition, and ensures that all elements of the mix work together harmoniously to convey the intended emotion and message of the music.


How to prepare my music production for mixing?

  1. Organize Your Tracks: Ensure that all audio tracks are properly labeled and organized within your digital audio workstation (DAW). This includes naming tracks appropriately and arranging them logically.
  2. Consolidate Audio Files: If your project includes multiple audio files or takes, consolidate them into individual, continuous audio files. This makes it easier for the mixing engineer to work with your project.
  3. Check for Compatibility: Verify that all audio files are in a format compatible with our mixing engineer’s DAW. Common formats include WAV, AIFF, and FLAC.
  4. Export Session Data: Export any session data or settings that may be relevant to the mixing process, such as track automation, plug-in settings, and tempo information. This ensures that the mixing engineer has access to all necessary information.
  5. Prepare Reference Tracks: Include reference tracks that showcase the desired sound and style for your mix. This helps the mixing engineer understand your preferences and goals.
  6. Communicate Instructions: Provide clear instructions and preferences to the mixing engineer, including any specific requests regarding levels, effects, and overall sonic vision.
  7. Zip or Compress Files: Compress all files into a single folder or zip file for easy transfer. This helps prevent any loss or corruption of files during the delivery process.
  8. Send Files Securely: Use a secure file transfer method to send the project files to the mixing engineer. This may include file-sharing services, cloud storage platforms, or dedicated FTP servers.
  9. Double-Check Delivery: Before sending, double-check that all files and relevant information are included and properly organized. This ensures a smooth and efficient mixing process.
  10. Follow-Up: After sending the project files, follow up with the mixing engineer to confirm receipt and address any questions or concerns they may have. Open communication ensures a successful collaboration.


1. What is podcast mixing and mastering?

Podcast mixing involves balancing the levels of audio tracks, adjusting EQ settings, and adding effects like compression to create a clear and cohesive sound. Mastering takes the final mixed audio and optimizes it for playback across all devices and platforms.

2. Why is podcast mixing and mastering important?

Podcast mixing and mastering ensure that your podcast sounds professional, clear, and engaging, making it more enjoyable for listeners and enhancing the overall listening experience.

3. How does podcast mixing and mastering differ from audio editing?

While audio editing focuses on removing mistakes, background noise, or unwanted segments, podcast mixing and mastering focus on enhancing the overall sound quality and consistency of the podcast.

4. How long does it take to mix and master a podcast episode?

The time required to mix and master a podcast episode depends on various factors such as the length of the episode, the complexity of the audio content, and any specific requirements or requests from the client.

5. Do you offer revisions or edits after the initial mixing and mastering process?

Yes, we provide revisions or edits based on client feedback to ensure that the final podcast episode meets their expectations and requirements. 1st revision is free after that extra revisions costs 15€.

6. Do you offer personalized consultations to discuss podcast goals and preferences?

Absolutely, we offer personalized consultations to understand your podcast goals, preferences, and specific needs, allowing us to tailor our mixing and mastering services accordingly.  Feel free to reach out to us for consultations, whether you prefer meeting in person or via Teams or Zoom, as meeting face-to-face allows us to better understand and address your specific needs.

7. How do you ensure consistency across multiple episodes of a podcast series?

We maintain consistency in audio quality, levels, and overall sound characteristics throughout the podcast series by adhering to established standards and using consistent mixing and mastering techniques.

8. Can you help with adding music or sound effects to my podcast episodes?

Yes, we can assist in incorporating music, sound effects, or other audio elements into your podcast episodes to enhance the storytelling and engagement.

9. Can you assist with distributing or uploading the mastered podcast episodes to hosting platforms?

While we primarily focus on podcast mixing and mastering, we can provide guidance or recommendations on distributing or uploading mastered podcast episodes to hosting platforms.

10. Do you offer custom intro or outro creation for podcast episodes?

Yes, we can create custom intros, outros, or other branded audio elements to give your podcast a unique and memorable identity that sets it apart from others.

11. How can I get started with your podcast mixing and mastering services?

Simply reach out to us via email, social media or our website to discuss your podcasting needs and schedule a consultation. We’ll work with you to understand your goals and provide a personalized plan for mixing and mastering your podcast episodes.


1. What is sound design?

Sound design involves the creation and manipulation of audio elements to enhance the audio experience of various media productions, including films, videos, games and advertisements. It encompasses everything from creating custom sound effects to designing immersive soundscapes and musical compositions.

2. Why is sound design important?

Sound design is crucial in creating immersive and engaging audio experiences in various media productions. It adds depth, emotion, and realism to visuals, enhancing storytelling and capturing the audience’s attention. Sound design not only complements the visuals but also shapes the overall mood, atmosphere, and narrative of a production, making it a vital component of the creative process.

3. What does your sound design service offer?

Our sound design service offers professional custom HQ sound design tailored to your specific needs. We deliver high-quality audio that is mixed and mastered, ready to use in your projects. Each sound design comes with an exclusive license for commercial use and is delivered in WAV format.

4. Can you create sound effects from scratch?

Absolutely! We have the expertise and resources to create custom sound effects from scratch, tailored to your project’s requirements. Whether you need realistic environmental sounds, futuristic sci-fi effects, or anything in between, we’ll bring your vision to life with original sound design.

5. Can you work with existing audio assets or music tracks?

Yes, we can work with existing audio assets or music tracks as needed. Whether you have specific sounds you’d like to incorporate into the design or existing music tracks that require enhancement or integration, we’ll seamlessly integrate them into the overall sound design to achieve the desired result.

6. Are prices fixed for sound design services?

Every idea and project has different needs, so prices for our sound design services are variable. We will work with you to determine the scope of your project and provide a customized quote based on your specific requirements.

7. Do you provide consultation services to help me determine my sound design needs?

Yes, we offer consultation services to help you determine your sound design needs and goals. Whether you’re unsure where to start or have specific ideas in mind, we’ll work with you to develop a customized approach that aligns with your vision and objectives.  Feel free to reach out to us for consultations, whether you prefer meeting in person or via Teams or Zoom, as meeting face-to-face allows us to better understand and address your specific needs.

8. How do I get started with your sound design service?

Getting started with our sound design service is easy! Simply contact us to discuss your project details, creative vision, and specific audio needs. From there, we’ll work with you to develop a customized approach and provide a quote based on the scope of your project. We look forward to collaborating with you to bring your vision to life through custom sound design!



1. Why should I become a partner with Infrasonic Wave Lab?

At Infrasonic Wave Lab, we are dedicated to assisting and enriching the creativity of artists and brands. By partnering with us, you join a network of like-minded professional creatives committed to elevating projects and helping clients achieve their vision. Our collaboration with partners, including videographers, photographers, and other creative professionals, strengthens our brand and extends our mission.

2. How can partnering with Infrasonic Wave Lab benefit my business?

Partnering with Infrasonic Wave Lab provides numerous benefits:

  • Increased Exposure: Our established client base and strong online presence can help you reach a wider audience.
  • Collaborative Opportunities: Work alongside talented professionals from various creative fields, fostering innovation and expanding your skill set.
  • Enhanced Credibility: Association with our reputable brand can enhance your credibility and attract more clients.
  • Shared Resources: Access to our resources, tools, and expertise to support your projects and improve your service offerings.

3. What kind of professionals does Infrasonic Wave Lab partner with?

We partner with a diverse range of creative professionals who can contribute to our mission, including:

Videographers, Photographers, Graphic Designers, Web Designers, Illustrators, Branding Experts, Marketing Specialists, Booking agencies.

4. How does Infrasonic Wave Lab assist its partners?

We assist our partners in several ways:

  • Project Referrals: We refer clients to our partners based on their expertise and the project’s requirements.
  • Collaboration Opportunities: Partners are invited to collaborate on various projects, ensuring a steady flow of work and income.
  • Resource Sharing: We provide access to our studio, tools, software, and other resources to enhance your workflow.
  • Professional Development: We offer opportunities for skill development through workshops, webinars, and networking events.

5. What is the process to become a partner with Infrasonic Wave Lab?

To become a partner, follow these simple steps:

  1. Application: Submit an application form detailing your skills, experience, and portfolio with our contact form.
  2. Review: Our team will review your application to ensure alignment with our mission and values.
  3. Interview: If selected, we will schedule an interview to discuss potential collaboration opportunities.
  4. Onboarding: Upon acceptance, we will guide you through our onboarding process, including introductions to our team and resources.

6. How does Infrasonic Wave Lab ensure successful collaborations with its partners?

We prioritize clear communication, mutual respect, and shared goals to ensure successful collaborations. Regular check-ins, feedback sessions, and a supportive environment help us maintain strong, productive partnerships.

7. What are the expectations for Infrasonic Wave Lab partners?

We expect our partners to:

  • Align with Our Mission: Share our commitment to assisting and enriching the creativity of artists and brands.
  • Maintain Professionalism: Deliver high-quality work, meet deadlines, and communicate effectively.
  • Collaborate Openly: Be open to feedback, share ideas, and work collaboratively with our team and other partners.

Partnering with Infrasonic Wave Lab means becoming part of a community dedicated to pushing the boundaries of creativity. Together, we can achieve more and help artists and brands thrive in their creative endeavors. If you are passionate about making a difference and want to collaborate with us, apply to become a partner today!